What’s happening with Electric Cars in the current climate

The Irish EV market is relatively small, but growing quickly.

Given the recent challenges faced by every industry around the globe, it comes as no surprise that the new car market in March 2020 was 62% down on the same month last year (2019). However, the good news is that sales of Electric Vehicles, sales are up 21.8% to 379 units.

Does that mean that people are finally embracing Electric cars now? Well, not really. The growth this month can mainly be attributed to the Tesla Model 3, which accounted for 146 registrations in March. Models like the Nissan Leaf, Hyundai Kona, BMW i3 are suffering a little right now, but as new models come on stream, this will give consumer more choice. The Renault Zoé ZE 50 and the Mini Hatch Cooper SE are already doing very well, considering the market.


The second hand EV market is also slow this month, with the sales of second hand Nissan Leaf’s down by 50% year on year.

These are unusual times and very challenging for the motor industry. Lets hope that that this changes soon and that we will see more people embracing Electric Vehicles in the near future.

Greg Gaughran, Motoring Editor at Wasted.ie

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