How The Green Party feel about other parties looking for a coalition
Where do The Green’s stand in the upcoming election?
As the pressure mounts on our national parties to impress the Irish public with their various manifestos, one items remains top of the list (next to homelessness and housing) put forward to every hopefully local politician on every household’s doorstep. What are your plans for Climate change?
Eamon Ryan of the Green party has warned the major parties that anyone looking for support from his party in terms of a coalition, will need to take the Irish people’s wishes seriously and properly address Ireland’s carbon emissions.
“If we’re in any sort of talks with anyone if people elect us in the numbers we hope, then we will be saying ‘Let’s be honest here now, a 7 per cent reduction in carbon emissions per year is needed’ said Mr Ryan speaking at a Press conference in Cork.
Mr Ryan said that climate change was “a red line issue” for the Green Party but that so far, none of the three larger parties appeared to be addressing the issue in a real and honest way.
“The climate change issue hasn’t really featured much in public debate so far…. Fine Gael have set their climate action plan for a 2 per cent reduction but that isn’t ambitious enough.
“Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin in their manifestos have just paid lip service to the idea of climate change and suggest that….they provide nothing to make the scale of the leap we need to make.”